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Upcoming Webinar: Island and Stratodesk on Fortifying the Edge with Next-Gen Endpoint Security
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Ultra-Secure Endpoint OS to Work from Anywhere

VDI | DaaS | SaaS | Secure Browsing

Test drive the leading operating system (OS) for any edge endpoint

Stratodesk NoTouch OS is a secure operating system that supports remote display protocols, providing access to hosted Windows Desktops and Applications or enabling secure browsing with an Enterprise Browser Solution.

Enhance end-user productivity and satisfaction with the user-friendly and dependable OS, catering to both in-office users and hybrid workers. You will save on CAPEX and OPEX through device lifecycle management, reduced agents, and streamlined support and maintenance.


Linux-based OS and Zero-Trust


Easy Deployment and Management

Cost Savings

CAPEX/OPEX Management and Security Tools


Extends Hardware Life Cycles

Experience the 30 Day Free Trial Today

Stratodesk NoTouch for VDI and Cloud Endpoints

Stratodesk NoTouch is the innovative endpoint operating system allowing organizations to transform any PC, thin client, laptop, or Raspberry Pi device into a secure and centrally managed edge device that connects to any cloud workspace, DaaS, or VDI platform.

Microsoft And Stratodesk

“NoTouch gives us a reliable guarantee in securely managing our entire assets. Having a centralized and controlled solution helps resolve the majority of problems we face on a daily basis in a faster and more effective way.”

David Vieira, Director of IT & Communication Infrastructure

Thanks to NoTouch eliminating maintenance issues, we save more than 2000 staff hours per year.

Haim Inger, Manager of Technology
CLAL Group

Since deploying Stratodesk NoTouch on our VDI endpoints, we have experienced a reduction in capital costs, labor costs, and new deployment time and we were able to reduce the overall IT budget by more than 40%.

Ken Hedglen, Manager of Technology
South County Health

“Stratodesk’s NoTouch Center meets our needs perfectly and makes system administrator’s work much easier. Defined user rights and roles in NoTouch Center disables unauthorized system access, installations and configuration changes.”

System Administrator
Sehnde Middle School

“The switch to Stratodesk really paid off for us not only for technical reasons but also for financial ones. Not only did it save us from having to replace our existing infrastructure, it increased the lifecycle of our existing devices by 8 years.”

Dana Sealing Products

We chose Stratodesk because it was the only solution that met our needs. We did not find any other product that offers the same breadth of features and ease of use.

University of Alaska Southeast

Transform and Secure Your Endpoints Now!

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