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Start Your Free Trial of Stratodesk NoTouch Software

Take the first step towards a secure, powerful and manageable endpoint OS for VDI and Cloud endpoints with Stratodesk NoTouch software.

Stratodesk NoTouch - OS and Console Demo

Start Your Free Trial of Stratodesk NoTouch Software

Take the first step towards a secure, powerful and manageable endpoint OS for VDI and Cloud endpoints with Stratodesk NoTouch software.

Stratodesk NoTouch - OS and Console Demo

Download Stratodesk NoTouch OS and Stratodesk NoTouch Center

Download your free trial licenses and find out why countless IT leaders around the globe choose Stratodesk NoTouch to power their complex fleet of endpoint devices.


Stratodesk NoTouch OS is Linux based and delivers hardened security natively preventing common, costly exploits targeting enterprises on the cyber security horizon.

Hardware Agnostic

Convert any PC, laptop, thin client or Raspberry Pi device with the 100% hardware agnostic Stratodesk NoTouch OS.


Stratodesk NoTouch Center enables automated endpoint management for countless devices anywhere in the world.


Deploy Stratodesk NoTouch OS easily onto any endpoint regardless of location. Get remote and hybrid workers up and running in a matter of minutes.

Sign up for your Free Trial

*Free Trial grants you 30 day access to Stratodesk software

Leverage Stratodesk NoTouch software in any VDI or DaaS deployment and unlock security, adoptability and manageability for in office, remote and hybrid workers.

Stratodesk NoTouch – for VDI and Cloud Endpoints

Stratodesk NoTouch is a proven endpoint software for Citrix, Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) and Windows 365, Nutanix Frame deployments and VMware Horizon, as well as many others – on-premises or within the Cloud.

Microsoft And Stratodesk
VMware And Stratodesk Partnership
Inuvika Partner Logo

Partners and Technology Integrations

We work with industry leaders to simplify the journey to a productive and modern, digital workspace. Whether it is traditional on-premises desktop virtualization, application delivery platforms on the cloud, DaaS or SaaS, together with our Cloud and Platform partners Stratodesk accelerates and simplifies the journey to deliver a modern and digital workspace that meets today’s employee productivity requirements.

Stratodesk Partners Diagram

Trusted by thousands of successful organizations, from small businesses to large enterprises across multiple industries including healthcare, education, government, financial among others.

What our clients say about us


Join these leading brands and over 6000 others by making the switch to smarter endpoint management.

Copyright Stratodesk Corp 2025 – All Rights Reserved

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