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Citrix Receiver 13.5 with HDX RTME – all in NoTouch 2.40.1632

Exciting updates from Citrix: Citrix Receiver for Linux 13.5 coupled with the HDX RTME 2.2.0, the latter for delivering a great Skype for Business (formerly MS Lync) experience. Not only that, a lot of major and minor improvements. The performance improvements make it the fastest NoTouch you have ever seen!

NoTouch improvement and updates at a glance

  • Update Citrix Receiver to
  • Update HDX RTME to 2.2.0
  • Update Parallels RAS to 15.5.16129
  • Update Oracle Secure Global Desktop client to 5.20.940
  • Lots of speedups, performance improvements
  • Update Brainworks/Devacon dictation module
  • Update SafeNet/eToken stack and update eGK-Cherry, support ST-2052
  • More information about the software update can be found in the release notes in our download portal. As always, we suggest updating to the most current NoTouch Center and Virtual Appliance as well to fully benefit from all the improvements made.

The new software versions (OS, Center and VA) are available for customers with current update subscription in our download portal. If you have questions feel free to reach out to us at any time.

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Citrix Receiver 13.5 with HDX RTME – all in NoTouch 2.40.1632

Exciting updates from Citrix: Citrix Receiver for Linux 13.5 coupled with the HDX RTME 2.2.0, the latter for delivering a great Skype for Business (formerly MS Lync) experience. Not only that, a lot of major and minor improvements. The performance improvements make it the fastest NoTouch you have ever seen!

NoTouch improvement and updates at a glance

  • Update Citrix Receiver to
  • Update HDX RTME to 2.2.0
  • Update Parallels RAS to 15.5.16129
  • Update Oracle Secure Global Desktop client to 5.20.940
  • Lots of speedups, performance improvements
  • Update Brainworks/Devacon dictation module
  • Update SafeNet/eToken stack and update eGK-Cherry, support ST-2052
  • More information about the software update can be found in the release notes in our download portal. As always, we suggest updating to the most current NoTouch Center and Virtual Appliance as well to fully benefit from all the improvements made.

The new software versions (OS, Center and VA) are available for customers with current update subscription in our download portal. If you have questions feel free to reach out to us at any time.

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