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HDX Ready: Enhanced user experience for virtual desktops with Citrix

Desktop virtualization has moved into the next phase of development. This cutting-edge technology has already brought users many advantages in comparison with traditional desktop computing (especially lower procurement and operating costs, a higher security standard, and easier administration). Now, the virtualization software experts are focusing on creating other important benefits: enhancing the user experience while accessing virtual desktops and applications.

At the same time, all PCs, notebooks and thin clients – even those you would normally be phasing out – are transformed by Stratodesk’s NoTouch Desktop into optimum access devices running on virtual desktop infrastructures and terminal services, with an integrated management tool for simple administration of the entire client network. This Stratodesk repurposing solution further enables users to benefit from all the improvements in user convenience made by the leading manufacturers.

Citrix, a longstanding partner of Stratodesk and one of the foremost providers of virtualization software, has certified NoTouch Desktop for use with its “High-Definition User Experience“ (HDX) technology. With HDX, Citrix ensures that users of its XenDesktop and XenApp solutions (for desktop or application virtualization) benefit from a performance that is at least as good or even better than that achieved with traditional desktop computers. The “HDX Ready” label, recently awarded by Citrix after extensive testing, certifies that Stratodesk’s repurposing solution is fully compatible with all HDX features of XenDesktop and XenApp.

It confirms that users of NoTouch Desktop are able to benefit from all the improvements HDX has brought since its introduction in XenDesktop 4, especially with regard to multimedia content, voice, video and 3D graphics. Based on the tried-and-tested ICA protocol, the multi-functional HDX technology package permits XenDesktop and XenApp users to display even complex media content in adequate graphical quality, for example, or connect peripherals such as printers or webcams to their endpoint devices via USB.

A further decisive benefit, and one that gives the vendor a unique position among virtualization solution providers, is that Citrix is able to exploit HDX to boost the performance of all infrastructure components. Via its Adaptive Orchestration “control center”, HDX also automatically selects the optimum settings for the current access scenario.  The best-possible parameters are selected to reflect access location (inside or outside the customer LAN or WLAN?) as well as individual user behavior.

At the heart of the HDX package, a range of tightly-integrated components, themselves made up of various individual technologies, ensures the best possible improvement in performance available today, for example, by accelerating graphical representation of virtual desktops and applications on the client, over any network connection and regardless of the current load (HDX Broadcast). Or through fast delivery of multimedia content thanks to server-side data compression and rendering on the endpoint device (HDX MediaStream). Citrix leverages both software and hardware-based rendering technology, within the data center as well on the device, to optimize the performance of graphics-intensive 2D and 3D applications (HDX RichGraphics).

The remaining HDX components enhance real-time communication (HDX RealTime), enable simple access to multiple monitors and other peripherals (HDX Plug-n-Play), ensure higher performance and network utilization when several users are competing for access (HDX WAN Optimization), and allow users to securely access virtual desktops and applications using any device in any location (HDX Smart Access).

All good reasons for choosing NoTouch Desktop to repurpose your thin clients and access virtual desktops or applications via XenDesktops or XenApp. Enjoy the best-possible user experience in the area of desktop and application virtualization.

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HDX Ready: Enhanced user experience for virtual desktops with Citrix

Desktop virtualization has moved into the next phase of development. This cutting-edge technology has already brought users many advantages in comparison with traditional desktop computing (especially lower procurement and operating costs, a higher security standard, and easier administration). Now, the virtualization software experts are focusing on creating other important benefits: enhancing the user experience while accessing virtual desktops and applications.

At the same time, all PCs, notebooks and thin clients – even those you would normally be phasing out – are transformed by Stratodesk’s NoTouch Desktop into optimum access devices running on virtual desktop infrastructures and terminal services, with an integrated management tool for simple administration of the entire client network. This Stratodesk repurposing solution further enables users to benefit from all the improvements in user convenience made by the leading manufacturers.

Citrix, a longstanding partner of Stratodesk and one of the foremost providers of virtualization software, has certified NoTouch Desktop for use with its “High-Definition User Experience“ (HDX) technology. With HDX, Citrix ensures that users of its XenDesktop and XenApp solutions (for desktop or application virtualization) benefit from a performance that is at least as good or even better than that achieved with traditional desktop computers. The “HDX Ready” label, recently awarded by Citrix after extensive testing, certifies that Stratodesk’s repurposing solution is fully compatible with all HDX features of XenDesktop and XenApp.

It confirms that users of NoTouch Desktop are able to benefit from all the improvements HDX has brought since its introduction in XenDesktop 4, especially with regard to multimedia content, voice, video and 3D graphics. Based on the tried-and-tested ICA protocol, the multi-functional HDX technology package permits XenDesktop and XenApp users to display even complex media content in adequate graphical quality, for example, or connect peripherals such as printers or webcams to their endpoint devices via USB.

A further decisive benefit, and one that gives the vendor a unique position among virtualization solution providers, is that Citrix is able to exploit HDX to boost the performance of all infrastructure components. Via its Adaptive Orchestration “control center”, HDX also automatically selects the optimum settings for the current access scenario.  The best-possible parameters are selected to reflect access location (inside or outside the customer LAN or WLAN?) as well as individual user behavior.

At the heart of the HDX package, a range of tightly-integrated components, themselves made up of various individual technologies, ensures the best possible improvement in performance available today, for example, by accelerating graphical representation of virtual desktops and applications on the client, over any network connection and regardless of the current load (HDX Broadcast). Or through fast delivery of multimedia content thanks to server-side data compression and rendering on the endpoint device (HDX MediaStream). Citrix leverages both software and hardware-based rendering technology, within the data center as well on the device, to optimize the performance of graphics-intensive 2D and 3D applications (HDX RichGraphics).

The remaining HDX components enhance real-time communication (HDX RealTime), enable simple access to multiple monitors and other peripherals (HDX Plug-n-Play), ensure higher performance and network utilization when several users are competing for access (HDX WAN Optimization), and allow users to securely access virtual desktops and applications using any device in any location (HDX Smart Access).

All good reasons for choosing NoTouch Desktop to repurpose your thin clients and access virtual desktops or applications via XenDesktops or XenApp. Enjoy the best-possible user experience in the area of desktop and application virtualization.

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