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NoTouch 2.38.120 released

Another update in the NoTouch “Point Reyes” product version: Release 2.38.120 was released today. The most visible change is the battery status icon in the task bar that will be shown only when running on machines with a battery, along with the Ctrl-Alt-b hotkey to display and OSD-like information about battery status – very useful when in a full-screen VDI session.

Several drivers were updated, new root certificates from big vendors added (e.g. GoDaddy). This release also aims at fixing the “Citrix stuck key problem”.

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NoTouch 2.38.120 released

Another update in the NoTouch “Point Reyes” product version: Release 2.38.120 was released today. The most visible change is the battery status icon in the task bar that will be shown only when running on machines with a battery, along with the Ctrl-Alt-b hotkey to display and OSD-like information about battery status – very useful when in a full-screen VDI session.

Several drivers were updated, new root certificates from big vendors added (e.g. GoDaddy). This release also aims at fixing the “Citrix stuck key problem”.

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