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NoTouch 2.38.42 released

As an update to the 2.38 “Point Reyes” software version, we have made new builds available: NoTouch 2.38.42 integrates FreeRDP 1.2 and support Remote Desktop Web Broker.

Other improvements include new versions of the Citrix HDX RTME, Firefox and drivers as well as an update of the OpenSSL library to 0.9.8y to address vulnerabilities (not related to Heartbleed).

NoTouch 2.38.42 is available as usual from our download portal.

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NoTouch 2.38.42 released

As an update to the 2.38 “Point Reyes” software version, we have made new builds available: NoTouch 2.38.42 integrates FreeRDP 1.2 and support Remote Desktop Web Broker.

Other improvements include new versions of the Citrix HDX RTME, Firefox and drivers as well as an update of the OpenSSL library to 0.9.8y to address vulnerabilities (not related to Heartbleed).

NoTouch 2.38.42 is available as usual from our download portal.

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