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Stratodesk in Charlotte, NC at the VMUG

On June 4, 2015, we were fortunate to meet many VMware users at the Carolina USERCON (VMUG) in beautiful Charlotte, NC. Second time for Stratodesk – last year’s show was such a great event that we made our decision to take part this year already at the same day – we were happy to be back and see people again and hear from those happy ones that decided to work with Stratodesk NoTouch Desktop. Everyone who stopped by at our booth had a chance to see just how easy it is to repurpose aging PCs and manage a network of endpoints.


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Stratodesk in Charlotte, NC at the VMUG

On June 4, 2015, we were fortunate to meet many VMware users at the Carolina USERCON (VMUG) in beautiful Charlotte, NC. Second time for Stratodesk – last year’s show was such a great event that we made our decision to take part this year already at the same day – we were happy to be back and see people again and hear from those happy ones that decided to work with Stratodesk NoTouch Desktop. Everyone who stopped by at our booth had a chance to see just how easy it is to repurpose aging PCs and manage a network of endpoints.


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The Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for Business PCs

Organizations of every size are gearing up to invest in new IT assets this year,…

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