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Top 4 Thin Client Alternatives for VDI/DaaS Environments

A common definition for a thin client is a lightweight computer that uses resources housed on a central server as opposed to a hard drive. It connects to a server-based environment (on-premises or in the cloud) that hosts most applications, memory, and sensitive data the user needs. Dedicated Thin Client hardware can be expensive, especially when considering the cost of upgrading your current device network. When you factor in the necessary investments for IT maintenance and endpoint security, costs can quickly add up. Are there other options available, or must you settle for these pricey, thin devices?

We have identified the top four alternatives to Thin Clients, tailored for your VDI/DaaS environment. Stratodesk NoTouch seamlessly integrates with a wide range of devices, offering flexibility to expand your network indefinitely, repurpose existing devices, and more.

Here are four innovative alternatives to traditional x86 hardware thin clients:

1. Raspberry Pi Thin Client

The Raspberry Pi Thin Client presents a compelling alternative to traditional x86 Thin Clients. This compact and cost-effective motherboard has surged in popularity over the years. It’s grown beyond a handy computer used by enthusiasts into a powerful platform for innovation. Stratodesk partners with leading technology innovators like ClearCube, Continuum, and NComputing to deliver Raspberry Pi hardware and NoTouch software solutions for virtual workspaces, IoT, and Industrial Automation use cases.

Raspberry Pi devices are also the perfect DYI thin clients if you would prefer to build your own Raspberry Pi Thin Client for branding reasons or to solve a specific use case or business problem. Just order the Raspberry Pi Model, Kit, and ad-ons you need and start building. However, you will need to invest in an enterprise-ready, thin client OS that comes with all your applications and connection clients pre-loaded. This will ensure seamless connectivity to your VDI and DaaS deployment.

Raspberry Pi 5

In addition to a Thin Client OS, you will also need a management solution for your Raspberry Pi Thin Clients that can monitor and configure your devices. This management solution should also come with enterprise features such as certificate rollout, inventory, reporting tools, and Single Sign-On capabilities. Stratodesk NoTouch Center comes with all these features and more. Customers all over the world leverage Stratodesk’s NoTouch Center to lower the costs of managing fleets of thin client devices at scale.

Lastly, NoTouch OS is the only OS certified on Raspberry Pi for Citrix, Microsoft, and VMware/Omnissa.

2. Extend the Lifecycle of existing devices – PC Repurposing

Easily transform your current PCs and laptops into powerful Thin Clients! Revive your existing hardware by replacing the native (Windows) operating system on your devices with a streamlined, secure Thin Client OS. For example, NoTouch OS is perfectly suited to extend the life of Windows 10 PCs by replacing the soon-to-be EOL local Windows 10 with the ultra-secure, thin NoTouch OS. Then connect with the native AVD client included in NoTouch OS to your Windows 10 or Windows 11 Desktops or Apps on Windows365 or Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD). Enjoy all the benefits and new features of Windows 11 and stay safe and secure on the local software-thin client with NoTouch OS.

Centralized endpoint OS deployment and management with e.g. NoTouch Center, the OS-optimized energy efficiency and removing the need for security-related add-ons and programs reduce your TCO even further.

3. All-In-Ones: Complete Solutions for Your Needs

Do you need a space-saving Thin Client option for your desks or medical carts? You may even want to consolidate your devices –instead of having two, just have one. If that’s the case, you’ll want to explore the All-in-One Thin Client Monitors or laptops.


LG offers a 24-inch widescreen Thin Client monitor or even a 38-inch curved ultrawide Thin Client monitor, that’s specifically designed for a Thin Client environment, with a built-in camera, and wireless/Bluetooth connectivity. The large, curved screen boosts productivity by displaying large amounts of information at once and eliminates the hassle of Windows management that comes with a small monitor or multiple monitors.

Easily install Stratodesk on LG Thin Client devices or any other thin client monitor with seamless deployment.

4. Thin Clients Together with NoTouch OS

While not exactly an alternative to traditional Thin Clients, if you’re considering purchasing new Thin Clients, Stratodesk NoTouch OS is an excellent choice over Windows Thin Clients or other Linux options.

Have an unsupported or outdated Thin Client device from HP, Dell, 10zig, or IGEL? Repurpose it with NoTouch OS and give it a new lease on life. NoTouch OS works seamlessly on any Thin Client device, whether legacy or new and includes all major desktop virtualization clients. Plus, a device powered by NoTouch OS reduces IT maintenance time, eliminating the need for on-site maintenance.

NoTouch includes a superior, user-friendly automated management solution that can be run either on-premises or in the cloud with our SaaS-based NoTouch Cloud, or directly from the Microsoft Azure Marketplace. Stratodesk NoTouch offers many enterprise features tailored to your business needs, along with key partner integrations such as ControlUp, DeviceTrust, AuthX, Imprivata, and Island. This endpoint management solution, called NoTouch Center, allows you to manage all your devices—repurposed PCs, laptops, and Thin Clients—from anywhere.

NoTouch Center is the only management platform that handles both x86 and Raspberry Pi devices within a single suite.

Request a free trial and start your journey today!

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Nonna Druker

Top 4 Thin Client Alternatives for VDI/DaaS Environments

A common definition for a thin client is a lightweight computer that uses resources housed on a central server as opposed to a hard drive. It connects to a server-based environment (on-premises or in the cloud) that hosts most applications, memory, and sensitive data the user needs. Dedicated Thin Client hardware can be expensive, especially when considering the cost of upgrading your current device network. When you factor in the necessary investments for IT maintenance and endpoint security, costs can quickly add up. Are there other options available, or must you settle for these pricey, thin devices?

We have identified the top four alternatives to Thin Clients, tailored for your VDI/DaaS environment. Stratodesk NoTouch seamlessly integrates with a wide range of devices, offering flexibility to expand your network indefinitely, repurpose existing devices, and more.

Here are four innovative alternatives to traditional x86 hardware thin clients:

1. Raspberry Pi Thin Client

The Raspberry Pi Thin Client presents a compelling alternative to traditional x86 Thin Clients. This compact and cost-effective motherboard has surged in popularity over the years. It’s grown beyond a handy computer used by enthusiasts into a powerful platform for innovation. Stratodesk partners with leading technology innovators like ClearCube, Continuum, and NComputing to deliver Raspberry Pi hardware and NoTouch software solutions for virtual workspaces, IoT, and Industrial Automation use cases.

Raspberry Pi devices are also the perfect DYI thin clients if you would prefer to build your own Raspberry Pi Thin Client for branding reasons or to solve a specific use case or business problem. Just order the Raspberry Pi Model, Kit, and ad-ons you need and start building. However, you will need to invest in an enterprise-ready, thin client OS that comes with all your applications and connection clients pre-loaded. This will ensure seamless connectivity to your VDI and DaaS deployment.

Raspberry Pi 5

In addition to a Thin Client OS, you will also need a management solution for your Raspberry Pi Thin Clients that can monitor and configure your devices. This management solution should also come with enterprise features such as certificate rollout, inventory, reporting tools, and Single Sign-On capabilities. Stratodesk NoTouch Center comes with all these features and more. Customers all over the world leverage Stratodesk’s NoTouch Center to lower the costs of managing fleets of thin client devices at scale.

Lastly, NoTouch OS is the only OS certified on Raspberry Pi for Citrix, Microsoft, and VMware/Omnissa.

2. Extend the Lifecycle of existing devices – PC Repurposing

Easily transform your current PCs and laptops into powerful Thin Clients! Revive your existing hardware by replacing the native (Windows) operating system on your devices with a streamlined, secure Thin Client OS. For example, NoTouch OS is perfectly suited to extend the life of Windows 10 PCs by replacing the soon-to-be EOL local Windows 10 with the ultra-secure, thin NoTouch OS. Then connect with the native AVD client included in NoTouch OS to your Windows 10 or Windows 11 Desktops or Apps on Windows365 or Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD). Enjoy all the benefits and new features of Windows 11 and stay safe and secure on the local software-thin client with NoTouch OS.

Centralized endpoint OS deployment and management with e.g. NoTouch Center, the OS-optimized energy efficiency and removing the need for security-related add-ons and programs reduce your TCO even further.

3. All-In-Ones: Complete Solutions for Your Needs

Do you need a space-saving Thin Client option for your desks or medical carts? You may even want to consolidate your devices –instead of having two, just have one. If that’s the case, you’ll want to explore the All-in-One Thin Client Monitors or laptops.


LG offers a 24-inch widescreen Thin Client monitor or even a 38-inch curved ultrawide Thin Client monitor, that’s specifically designed for a Thin Client environment, with a built-in camera, and wireless/Bluetooth connectivity. The large, curved screen boosts productivity by displaying large amounts of information at once and eliminates the hassle of Windows management that comes with a small monitor or multiple monitors.

Easily install Stratodesk on LG Thin Client devices or any other thin client monitor with seamless deployment.

4. Thin Clients Together with NoTouch OS

While not exactly an alternative to traditional Thin Clients, if you’re considering purchasing new Thin Clients, Stratodesk NoTouch OS is an excellent choice over Windows Thin Clients or other Linux options.

Have an unsupported or outdated Thin Client device from HP, Dell, 10zig, or IGEL? Repurpose it with NoTouch OS and give it a new lease on life. NoTouch OS works seamlessly on any Thin Client device, whether legacy or new and includes all major desktop virtualization clients. Plus, a device powered by NoTouch OS reduces IT maintenance time, eliminating the need for on-site maintenance.

NoTouch includes a superior, user-friendly automated management solution that can be run either on-premises or in the cloud with our SaaS-based NoTouch Cloud, or directly from the Microsoft Azure Marketplace. Stratodesk NoTouch offers many enterprise features tailored to your business needs, along with key partner integrations such as ControlUp, DeviceTrust, AuthX, Imprivata, and Island. This endpoint management solution, called NoTouch Center, allows you to manage all your devices—repurposed PCs, laptops, and Thin Clients—from anywhere.

NoTouch Center is the only management platform that handles both x86 and Raspberry Pi devices within a single suite.

Request a free trial and start your journey today!

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Nonna Druker
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