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Twitter Stories July 23-27

Missed last week’s Tweets? If so, take a moment to browse our carefully curated news stories that are relevant to sysadmins and IT professionals. This week we’ve compiled a list of a few of our most engaging articles focused on Healthcare IT that share effective strategies that organizations can employ in order to boost security and protect confidential patient information.

July 23:  How to keep EHRs secure and safe from cybercriminals

Healthcare is one of the most commonly targeted industries by cybercriminals. This is partly because of the high bounty put on EHRS, or Electronic Healthcare Records. Fortunately, there are a few ways that you can better protect sensitive information from those that would misuse it. This article explores four key ways to protect your valuable information from hackers.

July 24: Considerations for Planning Healthcare Blockchain Adoption

This article explores why organizations need to consider how they will effectively deploy healthcare blockchain and begin taking steps to leverage this technology in the future.

July 25: 8 crucial factors in charting a health info exchange strategy

To help healthcare providers better deal with HIEs, the National Rural Health Resource Center has put together a list of important resources for healthcare providers to prepare themselves effectively for health information exchanges.  

July 26: EHR interoperability: We’re closing in on a signature moment

Although interoperability is still not completely solved, healthcare is on the verge of a breakthrough that will allow 80% of doctors to share patient information with competing EHRs. This is a major leap in healthcare’s digital transformation story.

July 27: Lack of Data Analytics Tools Deflates Faith in Value-Based Care

Is lack of access to proper analytics deflating faith in value based care? When as little as 39% of healthcare professionals feel that their EHRs contain all the data they need, it seems obvious that healthcare needs to step up its game.

For more stories like these, follow us on Twitter, and stay current with our blog for the latest news from Stratodesk and the worlds of Healthcare IT, VDI, IoT and EUC.

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Twitter Stories July 23-27

Missed last week’s Tweets? If so, take a moment to browse our carefully curated news stories that are relevant to sysadmins and IT professionals. This week we’ve compiled a list of a few of our most engaging articles focused on Healthcare IT that share effective strategies that organizations can employ in order to boost security and protect confidential patient information.

July 23:  How to keep EHRs secure and safe from cybercriminals

Healthcare is one of the most commonly targeted industries by cybercriminals. This is partly because of the high bounty put on EHRS, or Electronic Healthcare Records. Fortunately, there are a few ways that you can better protect sensitive information from those that would misuse it. This article explores four key ways to protect your valuable information from hackers.

July 24: Considerations for Planning Healthcare Blockchain Adoption

This article explores why organizations need to consider how they will effectively deploy healthcare blockchain and begin taking steps to leverage this technology in the future.

July 25: 8 crucial factors in charting a health info exchange strategy

To help healthcare providers better deal with HIEs, the National Rural Health Resource Center has put together a list of important resources for healthcare providers to prepare themselves effectively for health information exchanges.  

July 26: EHR interoperability: We’re closing in on a signature moment

Although interoperability is still not completely solved, healthcare is on the verge of a breakthrough that will allow 80% of doctors to share patient information with competing EHRs. This is a major leap in healthcare’s digital transformation story.

July 27: Lack of Data Analytics Tools Deflates Faith in Value-Based Care

Is lack of access to proper analytics deflating faith in value based care? When as little as 39% of healthcare professionals feel that their EHRs contain all the data they need, it seems obvious that healthcare needs to step up its game.

For more stories like these, follow us on Twitter, and stay current with our blog for the latest news from Stratodesk and the worlds of Healthcare IT, VDI, IoT and EUC.

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