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2021 – The Year We Make Remote Work Better

Make Remote Work Better

2020 was the year we saw the acceleration of a movement that has been on its way for some time. It was the year remote work became finally mainstream. For that reason, people looked to the Cloud to solve remote work challenges. 2021, however, is no longer the year of remote work. Instead, it is the year of “how do we make remote work better?”

Collaboration Tools Take Team Work to the Next Level

In 2020, enterprises were given an impossible task – switch thousands of office workers to remote workers overnight. For the most part this has already been done, thanks to software solutions like Stratodesk and those from our partners, as well. However, enterprises are going to have to move beyond survival mode in 2021, and think about what it will take for their organizations to truly thrive. This includes implementing collaboration tool optimization packs for Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Cisco Webex. Doing so will make the collaboration experience smoother and better.

PC Conversion Overcomes Obstacles to Effective Remote Work

Now that remote workers have been dispersed to home offices around the world, IT can think critically about the kinds of devices their workers are using. Are they going to invest in new devices come the end of 2021 when those devices are getting older, or are they going to find a way to get more life out of those devices?

PC Conversion is a great way to make remote work better. With PC Conversion, any endpoint can be converted into a managed VDI endpoint. Once converted, old and new devices alike can access the apps and data they need to get their work done – whether they are in a WVD deployment scenario, or any other VDI/Cloud deployment.

Once converted, IT leaders can take advantage of the latest VDI Client with Stratodesk software. Stratodesk is always up to date with the latest VDI/Cloud clients for WVD, Citrix, VMware and your preferred infrastructure. An up to date client will make your end users feel like they are using brand new devices!

Remote Device Security Can Be Improved

Heading into 2021, enterprises will need to rethink their endpoint OS options. How can they strip down complexity and security vulnerabilities inside their dispersed Cloud/VDI deployments? A standardized, low footprint operating system capable of securing BYOD and running on any device will greatly improve the remote work experience for employees around the world.

Bring Your Own Device Should Be Considered Thoughtfully

Enabling bring your own device in 2021 is critical to making remote work better.

What is your organization’s policy around personal devices? Are employees able and encouraged to bring  their own devices into the workplace? Like it or not, bring your own device – another trend that has been gaining in popularity – was set into hyperdrive by the pandemic last year. More users than ever before have been needing to access vital work information on personal devices.

Enterprise IT has several alternatives and options in allowing this to happen in both an effective and secure way. WVD, for example, enables BYOD, and Stratodesk software on the endpoint and management side, amplifies the benefits and effectiveness of BYOD. Enterprises can use NoTouchGO, for example, enables employees to use their own device for work by day and personal device by night — no contamination of work/home data.

Windows Virtual Desktop Makes Remote Work Better

Ultimately, WVD makes it easier for remote workers to get their jobs done. It is a secure solution, meaning end users can access their remote work without giving IT any worries. Additionally, WVD is flexible. Virtually any end user anywhere can access their Cloud hosted Windows 10 instance from any device.

Ultimately, how any organization chooses to respond to remote work in 2021 will define them in the coming decade. Making the right choices, and choosing the right EUC solution will be paramount to their success going forward. This is why Stratodesk software makes the choice easy, thanks to remote work enhancing solutions like NoTouch Desktop, NoTouch Cloud, Cloud Xtension, NoTouchGO and the fully functioning, first to be revealed rendition of the Windows Virtual Linux Client on Stratodesk NoTouch OS. Leading enterprises use NoTouch Center in the Cloud as an easy to deploy solution for work from anywhere endpoints

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2021 – The Year We Make Remote Work Better

Make Remote Work Better

2020 was the year we saw the acceleration of a movement that has been on its way for some time. It was the year remote work became finally mainstream. For that reason, people looked to the Cloud to solve remote work challenges. 2021, however, is no longer the year of remote work. Instead, it is the year of “how do we make remote work better?”

Collaboration Tools Take Team Work to the Next Level

In 2020, enterprises were given an impossible task – switch thousands of office workers to remote workers overnight. For the most part this has already been done, thanks to software solutions like Stratodesk and those from our partners, as well. However, enterprises are going to have to move beyond survival mode in 2021, and think about what it will take for their organizations to truly thrive. This includes implementing collaboration tool optimization packs for Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Cisco Webex. Doing so will make the collaboration experience smoother and better.

PC Conversion Overcomes Obstacles to Effective Remote Work

Now that remote workers have been dispersed to home offices around the world, IT can think critically about the kinds of devices their workers are using. Are they going to invest in new devices come the end of 2021 when those devices are getting older, or are they going to find a way to get more life out of those devices?

PC Conversion is a great way to make remote work better. With PC Conversion, any endpoint can be converted into a managed VDI endpoint. Once converted, old and new devices alike can access the apps and data they need to get their work done – whether they are in a WVD deployment scenario, or any other VDI/Cloud deployment.

Once converted, IT leaders can take advantage of the latest VDI Client with Stratodesk software. Stratodesk is always up to date with the latest VDI/Cloud clients for WVD, Citrix, VMware and your preferred infrastructure. An up to date client will make your end users feel like they are using brand new devices!

Remote Device Security Can Be Improved

Heading into 2021, enterprises will need to rethink their endpoint OS options. How can they strip down complexity and security vulnerabilities inside their dispersed Cloud/VDI deployments? A standardized, low footprint operating system capable of securing BYOD and running on any device will greatly improve the remote work experience for employees around the world.

Bring Your Own Device Should Be Considered Thoughtfully

Enabling bring your own device in 2021 is critical to making remote work better.

What is your organization’s policy around personal devices? Are employees able and encouraged to bring  their own devices into the workplace? Like it or not, bring your own device – another trend that has been gaining in popularity – was set into hyperdrive by the pandemic last year. More users than ever before have been needing to access vital work information on personal devices.

Enterprise IT has several alternatives and options in allowing this to happen in both an effective and secure way. WVD, for example, enables BYOD, and Stratodesk software on the endpoint and management side, amplifies the benefits and effectiveness of BYOD. Enterprises can use NoTouchGO, for example, enables employees to use their own device for work by day and personal device by night — no contamination of work/home data.

Windows Virtual Desktop Makes Remote Work Better

Ultimately, WVD makes it easier for remote workers to get their jobs done. It is a secure solution, meaning end users can access their remote work without giving IT any worries. Additionally, WVD is flexible. Virtually any end user anywhere can access their Cloud hosted Windows 10 instance from any device.

Ultimately, how any organization chooses to respond to remote work in 2021 will define them in the coming decade. Making the right choices, and choosing the right EUC solution will be paramount to their success going forward. This is why Stratodesk software makes the choice easy, thanks to remote work enhancing solutions like NoTouch Desktop, NoTouch Cloud, Cloud Xtension, NoTouchGO and the fully functioning, first to be revealed rendition of the Windows Virtual Linux Client on Stratodesk NoTouch OS. Leading enterprises use NoTouch Center in the Cloud as an easy to deploy solution for work from anywhere endpoints

Try it out today for free.

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Stratodesk and ClearCube: A Powerful Solution for Ultra-Secure VDI Environments

For almost 30 years ClearCube has been crafting IT solutions for the most demanding IT…

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