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Press Release: Stratodesk and ThinClient Direct Partner to Redefine Cloud Workspace Endpoints — Learn more

Hilfswerk – The Lower Austria Relief Agency – VDI Use Case

Hilfswerk currently has over 4,000 employees who, together with an additional 3,000 volunteers, provide assistance to over 25,000 individuals and families per month. And it isn’t just a leader in the field of social services. For several years, the agency has also been a forerunner in the realm of IT efficiency. The basis for this approach was the problems that began plaguing their decentralized network in the summer of 2002. At the time, Hilfswerk had more than 450 “fat clients” in use in over 100 agency locations across Lower Austria.

After an extensive product search that involved analyzing many top solutions, Hilfswerk chose NoTouch to power their network of Thin Clients. Learn how using NoTouch helped simplify Hilfswerk’s network management, reduced complexity and hardware costs, and improved user experience.

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