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Stratodesk NoTouch Cloud Product Overview

Effectively Stratodesk NoTouch Center in the cloud, Stratodesk NoTouch Cloud is Stratodesk’s SaaS offering for endpoint management – hosted by Stratodesk in a local AWS datacenter of your choice. Stratodesk NoTouch Cloud is ideal for DaaS or even on premises VDI deployments, it is easily scalable and capable of managing countless new users as needed.

With NoTouch Cloud, IT managers and leaders benefit from zero downtime and automatically applied updates – freeing them up their time to focus on managing endpoints and making their worker’s lives easier. IT admins also benefit from the ability to configure or remotely shadow endpoint devices without the need for firewall changes! Finally, in line with our mission to deliver top notch security, Stratodesk NoTouch Cloud includes SSL support for increased security between our management and your endpoints, as well as Multi-Factor Authentication and Role Based Access Control.


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