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Stratodesk Wins Prestigious IT Start-Up Prize

Stratodesk VP of Sales Harald Wittek and CMO Silke Telsnig with Austrian Vice Chancellor Dr Reinhold Mitterlehner at the ceremony in Vienna


Stratodesk is now receiving more and more recognition from outside our VDI ecosystem. Only a short time after being named a “Born Global Champion” Stratodesk has taken home first place in the IT/e-commerce category of the GEWINN start-up prize, including an award check of EUR 4000.- from the prestigious award ceremony held in Austria’s capital city of Vienna.

Stratodesk won the award within the category of IT/e-commerce based on the company’s exceptional performance in offering cutting-edge VDI hardware and software solutions to customers across the globe. The company has achieved market dominance within Stratodesk CEO Emanuel Pirker’s home-country of Austria, maintaining a European HQ in Vienna, but has also established an impressive market presence in the US, operating out of an American HQ in San Francisco, California. Stratodesk customers range from small and medium size businesses to large international corporations and governmental bodies, and the company is partnered with other virtualization market leaders such as Citrix and VMware.

Stratodesk received the prize in a ceremony led by Austrian Vice Chancellor Dr. Reinhold Mitterlehner and Austrian Federal Secretary DI Andrae Rupprechter with participation of CEOs from both principal competition sponsors, Bank Austria and Drei. The GEWINN start-up competition was designed to identify the 100 best start-ups of 2015, with judges from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Federation of Austrian Industry, the Austrian Federal Ministries for Agriculture and Forestry, the Environment and Water Resources and Bisnode D&B Austria.

Stay tuned for an official press release coming soon!

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Stratodesk Wins Prestigious IT Start-Up Prize

Stratodesk VP of Sales Harald Wittek and CMO Silke Telsnig with Austrian Vice Chancellor Dr Reinhold Mitterlehner at the ceremony in Vienna


Stratodesk is now receiving more and more recognition from outside our VDI ecosystem. Only a short time after being named a “Born Global Champion” Stratodesk has taken home first place in the IT/e-commerce category of the GEWINN start-up prize, including an award check of EUR 4000.- from the prestigious award ceremony held in Austria’s capital city of Vienna.

Stratodesk won the award within the category of IT/e-commerce based on the company’s exceptional performance in offering cutting-edge VDI hardware and software solutions to customers across the globe. The company has achieved market dominance within Stratodesk CEO Emanuel Pirker’s home-country of Austria, maintaining a European HQ in Vienna, but has also established an impressive market presence in the US, operating out of an American HQ in San Francisco, California. Stratodesk customers range from small and medium size businesses to large international corporations and governmental bodies, and the company is partnered with other virtualization market leaders such as Citrix and VMware.

Stratodesk received the prize in a ceremony led by Austrian Vice Chancellor Dr. Reinhold Mitterlehner and Austrian Federal Secretary DI Andrae Rupprechter with participation of CEOs from both principal competition sponsors, Bank Austria and Drei. The GEWINN start-up competition was designed to identify the 100 best start-ups of 2015, with judges from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Federation of Austrian Industry, the Austrian Federal Ministries for Agriculture and Forestry, the Environment and Water Resources and Bisnode D&B Austria.

Stay tuned for an official press release coming soon!

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